QWC is 100% invested with directly working alongside Catracha Coffee Co. All of our caffeinated coffee comes from their small collective in Santa Elena, La Paz, Honduras. Please take some time to visit their website to better understand what they do and how they do it. 

QWC exclusively purchases from Catracha because:

  • The volume allows a concentrated positive effort to build a equitable partnership.
  • The uniqueness of QWC gives them exposure beyond coffee with social impact visibility. 
  • The coffee menu stays constant so you can get aquatinted with a single source and build a connection to the people and their land. 
  • It shows the depth of quality and not just the "cup score' of terroir. Proof that commitment to a single collective is 100% needed for quality. 
  • It builds a deeper relationship by investment of time and energy between producers and roasters. 
  • It will help support a deep understanding QWC and Catracha beyond any other roaster.
Coffee is a highly commoditized product and the industry is responsible for supporting capitalist structures, waste and exploitation. QWC is committed to transforming the coffee industry in every way we can, for better social and environmental practices. In doing so we hope to inspire others to do the same work in their industries as well. QWC concentrates on minimal coffee offerings to closely focus with the people that cultivate and harvest what we roast. 

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